Kindness Can Go A Long Way

A couple of years ago a very sweet friend , Lydia, gifted Nikki with her sewing machine.

She also came to drop it off and gave Nikki a whole workshop on how to use it - what a kindness.

Nikki went on to take sewing classes that year at our Homeschool Co-op, where two loving teachers

poured out all their creative knowledge on her - again, what a kindness.

Fast forward to last Spring, when Bella (Nikki's older sister) was graduating from high school and Nikki said "I would love to make special dresses for Bella's graduation!" I said, "Sure....."

(because I always say Sure!!!!)

But unsure at the time... I had lots on my plate with my firstborn graduating,

so I was hoping for this not be a big project, yet I didn't wanted to be a discouragement

to Nikki wanting to bless her sister.

Being that these were the first dresses that they were making,

we decided not to spend lots of money in the material - so we went thrift shopping,

(we are always good for a thrift project) and got sheets, yes! you read that correctly. Sheets.

And out of three sheets, Nikki and Bella started making their first dresses.

The patterns were not that easy to figure out and with a little help from their dad they got it all put together, until they hit the last wall, sewing on the zippers.

Tia Rachel, a very good friend of mine came and helped them with that, what a kindness.

There is so much beauty that followed from that one act of kindness of Lydia, beautiful moments, growths in character, perseverance.

We grabbed those amazing dresses and took them to DC to have a sister photoshoot.

So proud of my two blessings.